Funny how it's always those places that you live nearest to, that you somehow never seem to get round to visiting. We've known about Ravensthorpe Reservoir since we moved here over seven years ago - but for some reason J's been all over the country with his fly-fishing rod, but never managed to go 5 miles down the road! Anyway - we found the time to stop by yesterday - and even though we weren't there at the crack of dawn (as many were apparently) we didn't come back empty handed (although it wasn't the 11 lb wopper that someone pulled out last week - and it didn't get a fly either (long story)).
Bryher and I walked all the way around the hundred acres of clear blue water and another halfway round to meet the fisherman. It was so peaceful - and the sun was lovely and warm, especially on the south bank where the dam is. It was great to escape the blasted dissertation for a day or two at last. This place is full of interesting original Victorian machinery and architecture. And the village is only a short walk away...(where maybe we'll live one day)
She is a mischievous little tinker - into everything and full of energy and particularly enjoyed running through all the muddy paths under the trees of the wood on the far side...
Lots of people were out in boats - but J never has any luck on boats so he stayed on the bank while I surreptitiously tried sketching them (not easy with an energetic little dog beside you)...
Nearby the well-worn Chequers pub was unfortunately closed (again)so it was back to our local for a quick pint. Needless to say Bryher needed a bath as soon as she got home - which she didn't particularly like - but it was worth it for all the mad running about the house that inevitably follows any doggie-bath... Why do they all do that I wonder???